Congratulations goes out to Mack for being selected as Featured Skater of the Month (Dec 09 - Jan 10).
E. Introduce yourself.
M. Simple sja ah hehe... Mack, age 26.
E. When did you started skating? When and why you stopped skating? And what made you skate again?
M. Started skating in 1997. Stopped in 2000 coz I got into the army recruit. And I started skating again in 2008 pasal Cpin nyuruh ;p
E. Who do you normally skate with and where can we find you guys if we were to join in the session?
M. Slalu skating sama Cpin, Ating, Romzi, Lani, As, Muiz, Cefu, Suley, B and ramai lagi lah...
E. You joined the recent Brunei Street Rollerblading Competition and BBB 2009. How did you feel skating in these competitions and competiting with younger skaters? And what was your position in these competitions?
M. Masa comp BBB, I felt great pasal aku masuk semi final and dapat no. 7 hehe...
E. What can you say or what advice can you give to the younger generation of skaters?
M. my advice to younger skaters apa ah pndi2 lh ko tu dude..
E. Lastly, any shoutouts?
M. You cant see me haha btw thaanks dude, nanti ku lanja ko kebab hahaha
Note: Click on picture to see large.
Interview: Eyan
Photography: Eyan
Lighting Assistants: Gnee, Cpin and BobPrevious featured skater of the months:
Ruddy (Oct - Nov)Cefu (Aug - Sep)Hazman (Jun - Jul)