NOTE: I apologize in advance if you feel sick after looking at these pictures.
He accidently step on that stick and it went through his foot! He had to wait for about 3 hours before the stick was removed. Let's pray for him to be fit for the KK trip.
KK Trip
There will be a meeting on this Tuesday, 29th January 2008 at 8pm at Lust Co. The objective of the meeting is to discuss the details of the upcoming skate trip to KK. So I hope every rollerbladers out there could come and join this meeting, and hopefully, we can get as many people to go to KK as possible! Be there!! :D
dude...that shit looks serious man.
i was wondering...when i saw the first pic "hey..why is someone prodding that stick on his foot" and then its.. "oooooh shiiiiiiit"
get well soon dude....
he's heel already.. skating hard at the recent skate trip... hehehe
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