Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lambak Skate Session on 29/5/09

Pictures from yesterday's short session at Lambak. Just 2 for now.

roy - bs nugengnee - bs nugen

*click to enlarge.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Digital Video Battle update

To get more details and samples of videos for the Digital Video Battle as per my previous post, please click here or click on the picture below.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

JP Ramp Session

As I've mentioned before, I'm actually working on a short edit. The plan was to publish the video here within this week, but when I came across the video edit competition organised by Bala, I've decided not to publish the video until after the dateline (31/7/09) as I will be submitting the video for the competition. And so, I've made this short edit instead. Enjoy the vid!

Friday, May 8, 2009

FOR SALE: Sony VX2100

Bahrom is selling his less than 1 year old Sony VX2100E. It comes with 0.45 wide angle lens, UV lens filter, rubber hoya lens filter and a photo file camcorder bag. All this for $2,900. For more info, email me at surkrew[at]gmail[dot]com.

Here's a picture of his VX2100 when he first bought it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Wheel_Love and Sanjitpaal Singh have collaborated to produce a first, Malaysian produced rollerblading photobook, showcasing rollerblading by Fariq, Bala, Meme, Luie, Nik and tons more.

It is only RM8. Bahrom will be bringing in some copies of FOCUSED to Brunei and you can get a copy from him when he returns from his KL trip.

Here're some screenshots taken from WL blog.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Digital / Video / Skate Battle

As per posted in Bala's blog, they are organizing a skate edit battle.

Format is as follow:
1. Submit a 3 - 5 minutes video edit showcasing yourself and your crew. Not a single person profile, but group effort.
2. Edits will not only be judged based on tricks but also on the whole cinematography as well as the editing.
3. Submission can be done via online or sending the organizers hi-res copy.
4. Closing date for submission is END OF JULY.
5. Winners will be announced at a later date.
6. Cash prize!!!!

So what are you guys waiting for? Get your crew together and start taking video and editing. There's still about 3 months til the closing date. *If anyone wants to hire me for their video/edit, do not hesitate to contact me :D* I believe RPS Team is currently working on something for this battle edit. I might be posting my own video, if I'm eligible to enter *depending on the organizer's response*.