As mentioned in my previous post, the competition will be held as follows:
1st June 2008, THIS COMING SUNDAY!
TIME: 2pm. Meet at Indoor Stadium.
1st spot: Indoor Stadium Fountain ledges.
2nd spot: Badi'ah Ledges, Batu Satu.
3rd spot: SOAS College Rail.
4th and final spot: Pizzahut Rail.
*These are the spots that I've been told. If there are any changes, will let you guys now again.
It will be the same format as last year's competition. Click here to refresh your memory.
All rollerbladers in Brunei (and from anywhere) are welcome to join. All you have to do is go to RockPaperScissors at 2nd floor, The Mall, Gadong and register yourself. There will be a registration fee of B$10. But you will get 1 free tshirt when you register (the tshirts are from RPS selected T's).
1st: Return airticket to Kuala Lumpur with accomodation, Wheel Love goodies and Surkrew goodies.
2nd: Wheel Love goodies and Surkrew goodies.
3rd: Wheel Love goodies and Surkrew goodies.
*InsyaAllah there will be more prizes to be added to the current list. As usual, keep checking back for the updated prizes!
Bahrom, Samsul, Cefu and myself would not be competing this year. But we'll definitely be there to skate with everyone else.
So what are you waiting for? Go get yourself registered for the competition! And be sure to spread the words and let everyone know about the competition. Bring all your friends and family and support this event!
This competition is organised by RPS, supported by RPS, Wheel Love and SURKREW.
Last year's competition pictures:
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